Covered Ream of Paper

Jacob and I decided to switch around our extra rooms in our house.  He had a cute dark work room outside our bedroom which we kept warm via a curtain hung between the office and kitchen as there is no door.  But we decided we wanted our cute baby (ETA May) to be closer to us than through the office and the kitchen and the dining room.  I hope to get more creative than a sheet hung for quiet and warmth for our baby but we have a bit of time to plan for that.

Jacob took over half of the second bedroom, easily the largest room in the house which is our craft room/guest room/everything else room.  But we cleaned it out so it is just my sewing things, our “media center” (aka wii station + radio), and his office.  The room looks amazing now that we’ve hung some pictures and even Jacob’s plant.  And with the two large windows will do great wonders for our moods I believe.

I couldn’t help much as my pregnant back gets tired easier than it used to,  so I just covered his “monitor stand”, which is a fancy term for a ream of paper.  But who wants to stare at a pile of paper? Inspired by all my Christmas wrapping, I just folded a piece of fabric around the ream and taped it with packing tape on the bottom so it isn’t too visible.  He is happy with the slight kludge, and it was the least I could do for all his hard work.

I started back to school today, so this will probably be the most crafting I do any time soon but Jacob just got some new woodworking tools so maybe I’ll share any fun thing he gets around to making.  Happy New Year!